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Chevuri Kalyan Chakravarthy

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Google Vs yahoo

Everyone is aware about these two search engines and their features. But the competition between these two were so rivalry. they want to improve and discover some new feature. The Google started it's very first search engine. People were mad about that search engine. If they need any information, they straightly will go to Google search engine. At that time, the yahoo came into the picture and started giving enough competition to Google. Then Google felt the users of Google search engine is gradually decreasing. So, again their team came into force and started introducing new features. In those features, one of them is "ORKUT". It is awesome social networking site. All are started deviating from yahoo chat to orkut. Now, recently Google start hiring people from India and creating good opportunities to Indians. Let us, in future who will be the best.


Anonymous said...

I'm with google search engine!

Anyway, i can't load your chatterbox. So,i'll send the msg over here
"I've linked to ur blog! Thanks for the invitation!"

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

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