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Chevuri Kalyan Chakravarthy

Monday, December 17, 2007


Now i am going to tell about hacking for education purpose only, hack before hackers hack you.This is the main theme one should have in their brain. Because now-a-days hacking is common in every part of life.Even a kid is hacking some other's passwords.

Hacker has several common meanings, the unifying characteristic of which is only that it refers to a person who is an avid computer enthusiast. It is most commonly used as a pejorative by the mass media to refer to a person who engages in illegal computer trespass remotely via some sort of communications network (e.g., the Internet, a LAN or a dial-up network), its original meaning referred to an unauthorized user of the telephone company network (now called a Phreaker) but it can also refer to people engaged in ethical computer hacking (e.g., debugging or improving software functionality), to the members of the open source and free software community, or to home computer hobbyists.

Hacking is of many methods.One of those methods is "fake login id page".Its my favorite method
where i succeded in doing that and hacked many passwords. Following are the fake login id pages of different sites.

Those three were, i am currently working on it.Soon i will come with different sites with fake login id pages.But the method followed in creating those fake pages were simple.

1 comment:

Koushik aarveeve said...

hey...u gave me a good insight about hacking..with a good background music...
its great to know that you are working on it...

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