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Chevuri Kalyan Chakravarthy

Monday, April 14, 2008

Web design

There were so many people who were curious to know and perform the web design. Web design is a simple technique where, one can share their ideas and their values through their respective site very effectively. The people who were having interest over web design can easily learns that. I would like to tell you about one site which is all about web design. You know one thing, a web designer is blogging sometimes. Because a blogger needs to know web design for blogging. It is primary fundamental for him. The site which i would like to tell is http://www.stylishdesign.com. This site deals about web design in a cool manner. The owner of this site is Robert who is having great idea about art, culture and their values. His team effectively work on it and helps in designing that site. On his site, one can see the topics about search engine optimization, web directories, softwares, CSS, website templates and so on. There is one article written in that site about top level domains. It is clearly explained by him. Take a glance on it and understand the top-level domains. And many of the bloggers were fighting about the page rank of their own domains. So, for looking correct solution for that problem, you can see an article which was created on that part

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